
 In electronics, and with every other hobby, you don't need to have

a specific reason to build something. Just enjoy building the project and having fun!


The Kits are designed by us, and used in some commercial applications.

They have been used in many projects and proved reliable over many years.

We use genuine components from the leading manufacturers, 

For the amplifier kits. There are many on the internet claiming circuits of 100-500W of power. 

                         Unfortunately, most of it is rubbish!

If you see an amp kit or a circuit with a single pair of output transistors

saying it is 100 W or more, (based on 8 Ohms), well that's crap!

Please do your homework. High Power Amplifiers require Proper Circuits

Large Transformers, Big Capacitors,

Massive Heatsinks, and many other parts,

True quality will also show up even in "the track widths of the PCB and its connections"

as well as the grade of wire used, and that is very important !!

So Look around, learn, and understand. Check the Transistors used, Copies or Genuine?

Follow their SOA figures and see the real power ratings, then don't forget.....

to add the distortion figures, of each one, that you add into your planned circuits!


Some clients have asked for these kits to be made as Modules for their own assemblies,

So we now offer this service too, as "Built-up Kits" for $8 extra, or $10 for the 60W amp, 

This service gives you 12 Months warranty*